Mourning Cloak

Yesterday, March 28 marked the three year anniversary of two deaths. One of my friends lost her father to cancer and my cousin lost her husband and the father of her young children to a trucking accident.  It also was my husbands birthday and very close to the birthdays of my own children.  I wrote this poem about grief and rebirth two years ago.  The mourning cloak is a kind of butterfly that my friend saw on the day they buried her father. May this poem be a blessing to you as well this day.

Isaiah 6:2
Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew

Psalm 30:11-12
You have turned my mourning into dancing;
You have taken off my sackcloth
And clothed me with joy,
So that my soul may praise you
And not be silent.
O Lord my God I will give thanks to you forever

Cloaked in mourning
You will rise today
Allowing the Constance
Of breath to carry you through

Swaddled snugly in grief
You will move through this day
inching your way
toward and
away from  
thought after endless thought

You will see in your face
His face
You will hear in your voice
His voice
You will continue to breathe
And continue
The life that he helped to create in you

Wound up in silvery threads
of tears and snot
You will open puffy red eyes
and find
that this grief
will not break you
that it can be borne
as you were born
and will be born
again and again

And, yes you will lament
that you are unraveling
The threads of sisters mother brother
Stand parallel
In tension
Disconnected without the
Woof of papa to hold them together

You hope
that time and memory will
rebind you
and the distance will not grow

And yes, you lament
that your feet will not stand
on one year old grass
Beside the stone that
marks your remembrance
but you accept
that they will tread the streets
of this city of brotherly love
and find solace

And you will stretch out
This blanket of grief
And find that though
It seems as constant as breath
It will not bind you.

You will hear on your lips
Words of praise
And thanks
For life
And you may shield your sorrowed face
And you may cover your weary feet
Yet still you will spread out wings
And rise to greet this day



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